Road Base

People who work in road construction know that the road base is essential for their work. But unless you have done specific research into the topic, you might not understand what road base is and why it is crucial. When you know the role of road base material in completing roads and other structures, you can complete your work more effectively and use road base more appropriately in your road construction work.

Class 2

Class 2 road base is generally used when building a foundation for various pavers in landscaping and hardscaping situations. This road base is composed of different sizes of rocks, from about three-quarters of an inch to road base sand gravel. This combination creates a secure foundation that allows landscaping projects to have increased stability and longevity.

Available at: Sun Valley, Rialto, Escondido, Beaumont

Test Results: Rialto Escondido Sun Valley Beaumont


CMB road base stands for crushed miscellaneous base. This road base is generally composed of recycled concrete, asphalt, and sand. This combination of road base materials makes it a solid base for various uses. When looking for CMB road base, you want to make sure that you are choosing the appropriate type for your specific project so it can act as a strong foundation.

Available at: Sun Valley, Rialto, Escondido, Beaumont

Test Results: Rialto Escondido Sun Valley Beaumont

Class 2 / CMD Uses

Class 2 and CMD can be used in many different ways. Usually, they act as a sublayer that increases the stability and longevity of the final product. Different road bases should be used for different purposes, and you always want to find a suitable road base for your particular needs. Some bases are better for driveways and parking lots, while others are better suited for under concrete in buildings or on actual roadways. Class 2 and CMB can create increased security and stability for the final surface in all of these scenarios.

Road Base FAQs

What's the difference between road base and gravel?

It is easy to confuse road base and gravel with one another because they look very similar, especially to the untrained eye. One of the main differences is that while gravel is generally intended to be on the surface of a project, like a gravel road, road base is meant to be covered with an additional layer like concrete. Using gravel for a road base project or vice versa can lead to issues with the structural integrity of your project. Whether you want an asphalt road base or crushed granite road base, you want to ensure that you choose a road base product rather than simply gravel.

How much does road base weigh?

The weight of any particular road base can vary depending on the specific material it is made from. In general, a cubic yard of road base should weigh approximately 1.3 tons, though this can vary somewhat depending on the size and material of the particles in the road base mix.

What Materials Are Used to Make Road Base?

Road bases can be made out of many different rock materials, but a few types are more commonly used. Those common materials include recycled asphalt, recycled concrete, and granite. These road base materials can be found in road base gravel, which you can use for your projects.

Recycled concrete works well when it is covered with ready-mix concrete. A recycled asphalt road base tends to be a good option if you want a tough surface and little dust. And granite road base is versatile, but it can be a bit dustier than some other materials.